One to One

This focused service runs for 2-4 hours after school hours or at weekends, offering the parents or carers that short respite in the knowledge that their child is safe and with a trained member of the Bexley Snap staff either working at their house or taking part in fun activities that the child enjoys outside

Families Quotes

Quote from a boys mum of 10

"My boy is 10 and goes to snap regularly, I receive direct payments and through them I also get one to one support for my son as often as I can.  It’s amazing so helpful and my son loves it, he gets taken everywhere and anywhere and it gives him independence away from me and me a break, I actually don’t know what I would do without it!"

Quote from a girls mum

1:1 time helps our daughter explore the world more while being independent of us having fun and learning life skills while we get sometime to keep up with all the other things that need doing but we can't always get on with when she is home. while most importantly knowing she's safe and happy spending time with someone she loves being around and we trust implicitly".

Become a member

If you are the parent/carer of a disabled child (or are working with someone who has a disabled child and have permission to forward their details), living in or around the London Borough of Bexley and are interested in our support.

For more information please send us an email clicking on the "JOIN US" button and we will be in touch with you.
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